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Phone Call

Disponible 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana en EE. UU . en inglés y español

Lanzamiento el 22 de marzo de 2024

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International Hotline


La línea directa de acoso 86, administrada por personal dedicado de RAINN, ofrece servicios de intervención en crisis anónimos, confidenciales y específicos de la industria en inglés y español. Los especialistas de RAINN capacitados para satisfacer las necesidades únicas de las industrias de bebidas alcohólicas y hotelería están disponibles las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana para brindar una escucha empática y una cálida transferencia a los proveedores de servicios locales. Los sobrevivientes pueden recibir la ayuda que merecen a través de las relaciones de RAINN con estos proveedores.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can the hotline help me?

Calling the 86 Harassment Hotline gives you access to a range of free services including:

  • Confidential support from a trained RAINN specialist

  • Support finding a local health facility that is trained to care for survivors of sexual assault and offers services like sexual assault forensic exams [within the U.S. and territories]

  • Someone to listen and provide emotional support

  • Referrals to local resources that can assist you with next steps toward healing and recovery [within the U.S. and territories]

  • Basic information about options for medical care, including information about sexual assault forensic exams

How can the hotline help my loved one?


The 86 Harassment Crisis Hotline serves survivors by providing crisis intervention, emotional support, and resources. It can also be accessed by loved ones and those supporting survivors to receive emotional support, and information and resources to better support the survivor in their life.

Who will I be speaking to?

When you call the 86 Harassment Hotline you will be connected with a trained specialist at RAINN, the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization. These specialists are specifically trained to support the needs of callers who are part of the beverage alcohol and hospitality industries. RAINN specialists are also trained to provide empathic listening and emotional support, crisis management, and referrals to local resources (within the U.S. and territories).

Does the hotline take reports?


The 86 Harassment Crisis Hotline does not take reports of sexual misconduct. While you can share as little or as much as you would like to with the RAINN specialist, they are not able to make a formal report for you with your company nor can they share your information with anyone, including employers. All support provided through the hotline is confidential. The only exception is if a caller discloses something on the call that falls under mandatory reporting guidelines (see below). Should you like to make an official report to your company or to law enforcement, the RAINN specialist can talk through options with you.

What are sexual assault service providers?

Sexual assault service providers, or SASPs, are independent local providers that offer a range of services for survivors of sexual assault, such as counseling, support, groups, and information about legal resources. When you call the 86 Harassment Crisis Hotline, a RAINN specialist will be able to provide you with information about SASPs in your area. All SASPs that are affiliates of RAINN have agreed to uphold RAINN’s confidentiality standards, including:

  • Never releasing records or information about the call without the consent of the caller, except when obligated by law

  • Only making reports to the police or other agencies when the caller consents, unless obligated by law

  • Agreeing to RAINN’s non-discrimination policy

Is the hotline confidential?

The 86 Harassment Hotline is a safe, confidential service. When you call the hotline, only the first six numbers of the phone number are used to route the call, and your complete phone number is never stored in our system. However, RAINN specialists are mandatory reporters, and most states do have laws that require staff to contact authorities in certain situations, like if there is a child or vulnerable adult who is in danger.

What is a mandatory reporter?

A mandatory reporter is a person who is required by law to make a report to law enforcement or child protective services if they learn details about specific types of abuse. RAINN specialists are mandatory reporters. If a RAINN specialist learns about the abuse of a minor child or a disabled or elderly adult, and also knows the full name and location of the abused individual, they are required to make a report to local law enforcement or child protective services.

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Available 24/7 in the U.S. in English & Spanish


 The information, words, content, trainings and resources provided, and including any linked material, are not intended and should not be construed as legal advice. Anyone facing sexual harassment or gender-based violence should consult with an appropriately licensed physician, health care worker or local authority based on the situation. Women of the Vine & Spirits and 86 Harassment do not assume any responsibility for the actions or non-actions taken by people who have visited this site, and no one shall be entitled to a claim for detrimental reliance on any information or training provided or expressed.

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